Fire it up Friday.
We’re always fired up at Possum Holler, but particularly on Fridays when Max posts a tribute video to a keynote project. Our Fire It Up Friday installments include some of the past, present and future of each vehicle de jour, and enough insights to bring you back each week. Subscribe to Possum Holler on YouTube or Facebook Live and get your instant gratification in five minutes or less.
“Better than I ever imagined.”
With nearly 200 restorations since our first, we’ve pretty much heard every compliment there is while rebuilding our “Brand New Old Trucks.” We really appreciate all our customers through the years who put their trust in us to restore their treasures.

The Gallery below is like a family album to us — nearly every “body” is here so Bookmark the page and Stop by often. we’re always adding new Family to the Possum Holler garage!
1964 Chevrolet
1955 Chevrolet 2nd Series
1965 GMC Truck
1967 Chevrolet
1967 Chevrolet
1951 GMC One Ton Panel Truck | 1954 GMC 1/2 Ton Panel Truck
A formidable lineup of Chevys and Fords.
1950s Ford, Chevy and GMC all original restorations.
Made by hand in Possum Holler.
1953 GMC Hydramatic
1953 Chevrolet 3100
1953 Chevy 3100
1959 GMC
1954 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Panel Truck
1930 Model A Ford
The little things make us happy.
1978 Ford 4WD
1970 Ford
Top to bottom, inside and out.
1952 Chevrolet 3100
1968 Chevrolet 4WD
1952 Chevrolet 3100
In progress, about to impress.
1977 Ford Super Cab 4WD | Cummins swap
1953 Ford F1
1950 Chevrolet 3100
1951 Ford F1
Where comfort meets style.
1952 Ford F1
1929 Ford Model A roadster
1939 International + matching trailer
1952 Chevy one ton and a half flatbed
You could roll a bowling ball down this bed.
Some things never grow old (just ask Max!)
1954 Chevrolet 3100 Custom 5 Window | photo courtesy Barrett Jackson Auctions
1950 Chevy 3100 with matching Shasta Trailer